Intriguing Properties of Neural Networks


Intriguing Properties of Neural Networks outlines several key properties that demonstrate counterintuitive behaviors in deep neural networks (DNN) and those properties are listed below:

Key fact: Adversarial examples generated for higher layers of the network are more useful for improving robustness than those generated for the input or lower layers.


Cross-Model Generalization of Adversarial Examples ( Source Table 2 in the paper)

The table below displays the error rates for distorted examples fed into each model, along with the average distortion relative to the original training set.

Model FC10(10-4) FC10(10-2) FC10(1) FC100-100-10 FC200-200-10 AE400-10 Average Distortion
FC10(10-4) 100% 11.7% 22.7% 2% 3.9% 2.7% 0.062
FC10(10-2) 87.1% 100% 35.2% 35.9% 27.3% 9.8% 0.1
FC10(1) 71.9% 76.2% 100% 48.1% 47% 34.4% 0.14
FC100-100-10 28.9% 13.7% 21.1% 100% 6.6% 2% 0.058
FC200-200-10 38.2% 14% 23.8% 20.3% 100% 2.7% 0.065
AE400-10 23.4% 16% 24.8% 9.4% 6.6% 100% 0.086
Gaussian noise, stddev=0.1 5.0% 10.1% 18.3% 0% 0% 0.8% 0.1
Gaussian noise, stddev=0.3 15.6% 11.3% 22.7% 5% 4.3% 3.1% 0.3

For me, the most interesting section is (4.3) on Spectral Analysis of Instability, which explains how to measure and control the instability of DNNs by analyzing the spectral properties of each layer — specifically, the operator norm of the weight matrices. The network is represented as a series of transformations across multiple layers, denoted as:

φ(x) = φK(φK−1(...φ1(x;W1);W2)...;WK),

where φk represents the function mapping from layer k-1 to layer k, and Wk are the trained weights of layer k. The instability is measured using the Lipschitz constant Lk of each layer, defined as:

∀x,r, ||φk(x;Wk)−φk(x+r;Wk)|| ≤ Lk ||r||.

The overall instability is determined by the product of the Lipschitz constants of all layers:

L = ∏Kk=1 Lk.

In rectified layers (ReLU), the mapping is defined as:

φk(x; Wk, bk) = max(0, Wk x + bk),

and the operator norm of Wk, denoted as ||Wk||, provides an upper bound for the Lipschitz constant. Pooling layers are contractive, and the output change is bounded by:

||φk(x)−φk(x+r)|| ≤ ||r||.

Contrast-normalization layers scale changes in input by a factor γ ∈ [0.5, 1]. The operator norm for convolutional layers is computed using Fourier transform and Parseval's theorem, with the formula:

||W|| = supξ ||A(ξ)||,

where A(ξ) is a matrix derived from the Fourier transform of convolutional kernels. This spectral analysis quantifies network instability and helps mitigate vulnerabilities through control of the Lipschitz constants and operator norms.

For more details, see the original paper: Intriguing properties of neural networks